Saturday 4 May 2024

Tired Exhausted Lost weight

Mo'men  my Palestinian nurse I mentored has released another photo to share. This photo shows me how much weight he has lost through the limited food availability in Gaza.. He has been prioritising feeding his wife so she can lactate to feed their baby daughter.  This is a point I stress in meetings and peace marches. We need to feed mothers so they can feed their babies. Zainah his baby is so snuggled content in her Papas' loving arms..sweet and shows the loving care of my nurse too. 
Now look at this past photo when he presented his work on Breast Cancer Care in Gaza for MAP you can see a well fed paunch of a belly .. but now his belly, his chest his body has lost a lot of weight. 

He is exhausted as he, like other health professionals has been working round the clock to treat injured and care for all patients. Yet been under personal stress lost his home to strike, shifting to supposed safe zones, caring for his wife and family. Like many they are needing a peaceful safe haven to heal and refuel mind and body .. though you will always see in Palestinians strong in spirit. 

Can you help in anyway? My email is marjoriebahhaj AT  

Another photo I am showing you readers of Mo'men BMI before to compare. My treasured photo of Mo'men and his wife on Gaza beach together. I have covered her beautiful face to respect Muslima culture. 

Please try to help me & Matilde Aprile to help him & his family 

🙏🤲 Many Thanks 🙏🤲

Friday 3 May 2024

We are not Numbers P21 gallery

The opening evening of the "We are not numbers" was well attended. People from around the country, all ages, all cultures, all religions with a need to show support for Palestinians. It was a very moving evening with tears and hugs and sharing. The most powerful was the walls of lost souls to the genocidal offensives over the last months. 
It overwhelmed me as I do not want any lives lost to deluded ego war tantrums. The sledgehammering approach destroying lives, society and infrastructures is an immature tantrum.  
We all had periods of emotional meltdown and supported one another. Some of my friends made in the Peace Marches were there. Good to see one another and catch up. Lots of hugs and love shared. One lady has over the weeks has been updating on my nurse & his pregnant wife and was pleased the baby had arrived in a safe delivery, despite in the dangerously horrendous war situation.
I was able to share the GoFundMe to Safety link on the laminated flyer with QR code. Wow saw this in action as she clicked on the QR code accessed the GoFundMe and donated there and then .. with thanks 💞 The laminated flyer is a useful tool .. 

Speaking with a Palestinian doctor at the event made me aware that there are 1000s of GoFundMe appeals as Families, friends and colleagues are trying to help loved ones evacuate to Egypt. 
We need an international effort and plan to help evacuees! 

Here are some photos from the evening but I need to return to quietly view the exhibition and absorb more of the voices in the art.. 


Powerful day of Peaceful connections

Thursday 2nd May became a powerful day of peaceful connections. I was booked to go to an exhibition opening in the evening off Euston Road London. I remembered the Quaker Friends meeting house was nearby. So travelled in early to Kings Cross. Feeling stressed with war fatigue of all that is going on in the world and worrying about my Palestinian nurse and his family i needed the peaceful understanding and support. 

The meeting house provides an oasis of peace in the busy city. Quakers are spiritually mature in the wisdom of peace and stillness. So it was good to be around people that are of like minds and hearts with a deeper understanding of life. 

I enjoyed a chai latte in the cafe and looking at books. They have a great selection of books on peace, spirituality, creation and climate. Some well being books for the children with personality building and understanding. Fun books to read like the "Giraffe that can't dance". I thought Leen and Celine from my Family Link Up would love this book so I bought one. I am thinking Juliya's daughter Vera will like this too ..So I will get another when in London next week or in my local bookshop.

The cafe shop sell Zaytoun Products  Medjoul Dates the King of dates like toffee. Lovingly tended to and grown from Palestinian farmers ancient horticultural wisdom. So definitely bought a pack as so yummy.. These dates and other Zaytoun products have been featured on the celebrity chef James Martin Saturday morning show. Those dates are great for sticky toffee pudding recipe too! 

I had gone with Gaza on my mind and it was amazing to stumble on a group of friends talking about Gaza in the courtyard.  I was able to join them and this gave me so much support. I was so grateful of the sharing heart to heart.
Here are some photos to share ..

Wednesday 1 May 2024

Happy to Chat at Brunel

Some photos from today's Happy To Chat on Brunel Campus... the campus full of exams with students either just out of a morning exam or about to go to an afternoon exam. I took my graduation photo to show me when younger but also to show achievement. My degree in nursing was after studying O levels and A levels a night school, plus while working full time as a Senior Staff Nurse and a wife & mother. Then trained as a midwife. The spin off for my daughters was no issue doing homework as our dining table was full of books from my studying. Sometime we were studying the same subject at the same time.. I remember having notes stuck on the kitchen wall to learn while I cooked dinner. Of course in my time of study no google but reference hunting in the library! 
It was lovely listening to the students and their career plans. One physiotherapy student had a plan to go into clinical work in the NHS. We discussed how important physio was in ITU as well as rehabilitation.  I was in my element when I spotted a baby of one of our Indian couple who are studying data analytics.. They were impressed at my Hindi speaking too.  The campus is a community within our wider community and open to our locals. I was discussing this on the bus going and coming back with elderly neighbours. More feel they would like to get involved. 

Today we had Happy ro Chat over complementary pizzas... hhhh with hungry students had to get in quick for mine.. Good fun and great sharing.. scroll down to see more photos .. and the yummy every Wednesday stall of breads, pastries, cakes and baklava.. got some treats to have with a cuppa for my supper.. 

The Allergen chart a good idea..
I also took the poverty report from yesterday's parliament meeting. The students took photos and I told them can be pdf downloaded from the APPG Poverty website. Some were inspired that they could attend meetings in parliament. 

 Photos with permission of the parents of the cute baby boy .. 
full of curiosity then fell asleep so sweet. 

Poverty Report

yesterday attended the combined APPG Poverty & APPG Migration meeting in Portculus house Parliament.. The report reveals an in depth look at the effects of the UK Immigration Asylum & Refugee Policy on Poverty. I will be studying this and bring more to my blog on my reading. You can download a pdf of the report on this link Asylum & Refugee policy effects on poverty  I was early for the meeting and as always the parliamentary staff take care of me. We have a great time of sharing. The speakers and attendees of the meeting where very interesting to speak with. Lots of hugs for me which I appreciate as many know about my campaigning. 

Useful promotion tool to raise awareness

This doubled sided laminated A4 placard is a great tool to discuss with contacts about Mo'men my nurse in Rafah. They can see his academic achievements and there are QR codes to open this blog to read more and see my work as retired nurse midwife and campaigner. There is a QR code to the GoFundMe. I was able to use in a migration parliament meeting and to gain advice and support. Also at our local university. All conversations reveal so many people do not wish horror shows in the world ..they wish peace, harmony and togetherness.  Shalom Salem Peace Om Shanti. 

Matilde Aprile,  the GoFundMe manager of this appeal is in email contact with me. She is planning a fundraising event in Milan her home city. If an event here in London she could attend too... we need to see what bargain flights there are as I may be able to visit her.  We can set up a zoom meeting too. I am including my MP John McDonnell to update on what we are trying to do to help Mo'men. I used to write up reports on my Syrian Family Link Up project when actively fundraising and visiting Eleonas camp Athens to send to my MP & UNHCR legal team London. So all aware of my projects. Note also GoFundMe are helping to ensure all fundraising for Gaza is above board and achieving results to help those in need to evacuate. 

Saturday 27 April 2024

Urgent Appeal to help my Nurse

A colleague from an NGO that has been helping in Gaza has set up this appeal many thanks to Matilde Aprille.. 

🚨🙏🤲💞👩‍💻 please help!  Momen is my Palestinian nurse I mentored through his BSc Nursing.. he went on to achieve a MSc in Public Health. He helped improve the Breast Cancer Care pathway in Gaza with a published paper in the European Journal of Oncology Nursing ref:
He is working with MSF and been coordinating care of patients and injured in Rafah. His wife is a mathematics teacher and they have a newborn daughter.. the funds are needed to evacuate to Egypt from the merciless offensive plans that the international community are failing to stop.... once in Egypt there is help and support. He is a born nurse with extensive clinical skills to help others as he rebuilds his life in safety for his family.. Shukran, Thank You, Merci, Bedankt for your help.  
I had opportunity to meet Momen in person when he came to Brussels for some intensive training to to coordinate care in extreme situations. Photo by Eurostar Brussels Midi. A very kindly person with a lot to offer the world in care & compassion.
I have his achievements file from over the years I have mentored him. I was proud of him presenting his Breast Cancer Care work in a conference. 

With Many Thanks